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Financial Advisor Group – Client Experience

Financial Advisor Group – Client Experience

1. Beliefs Matter

Beliefs matter. If you want different results, you must get your beliefs in alignment with the results you want and the behavior it’s going to take to deliver those results. What beliefs are driving you? What beliefs are holding you back?

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2. Value Interpretation

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, value is in the eye of the buyer. This module helps you figure out what your value is, how to price it, and how to interpret it. You must become a master at interpreting the value.

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3. Amusement Park

Imagine your business is an amusement park. How are you going to attract people to your park, keep them there, continue to add value, and offer them services they only want to buy from you? Have some fun as you build your amusement park!

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4. Positioning

What are your clients saying about you? What are your competitors saying? We’ll help you influence what people say and know about you, which is what we call positioning.

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5. Client Experience Timeline

The client experience timeline is a critically important tool in any practice. The client experience is the most important thing to start with because the experience clients have with your firm is everything. Improving your client experience will naturally lead to more referrals – so get started!

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6. Impression Management

Impression management has to do with the impression other people have consciously and subconsciously about you and your practice. Do you portray the image of a million bucks or a hundred bucks?

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